
>> Saturday, May 30, 2009

Easily Manipulated tagged me a few days ago with this fun little award.

The Rules:

1. List 7 things you love.

2. Link to the person who tagged you. (done!)

3. Choose 7 bloggers who you think should receive the award next.

My Loves.....

1: Cooking. There is just something about combining yummy ingredients that brings me joy.My latest passion is cooking pizza on the grill. I fell in love with the pizza in Italy, and making it on the grill reminds me so much of being there.

2:San Pellegrino Limonata. We drank a lot of lemon-aid in Europe, but it was fizzy like pop. I spent so much time searching for it here in the states and finally found it. I could drink it more, noon and night!

3: Cappuccino/Latte/Espresso - It took me a long time to perfect all of them here at home, but now I hardly ever go out for them now.

4: That even though Sexy Stud and I are 488 miles away most of the time, we've gotten closer in our relationship. Each day we have together is never ill spent.

5: The smell of honey suckle - As soon as I smell it I'm instantly transported back to Australia.

6: The smell of lilacs- reminds me of my childhood playing in the back yard at my grandma's.

7: Living on a lake, well the lake is across the street but I still wake up every morning to an amazing calm view.

Now I'm suppose to tag 7 people but if your reading this and want to play consider yourself tagged. Just be sure to let me know so I can read yours.

0 Love Notes:

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