The Queen

>> Sunday, May 3, 2009

Stacie was a very cool Queen and tagged me! I feel like Royalty ...... or would that be Royal Bitch?


So here are the awe-summm rules:

1.List seven things that make you awe-summm.
2.Pass the award on to seven bloggers you love.
3.Tag those bloggers to let them know that they are now Queens of All Things Awe-Summm.
4.Don't forget to link to the queen that tagged you.
5.If you would like, copy the pic and put it on your sidebar so everyone knows that you're a queen.

What are seven things that make me awe-summm? Let's see...

1: I'm Queen of Photography- Don't believe me just ask Stacie :0
2: I'm Queen of cooking- Don't believe me come over sometime and I'll cook you grilled pizza...... you'll think your in Italy !
3:I'm Queen of organizing stuff- Don't believe me come check out my panty drawer.
4: I'm Queen of decorating on a dirt cheep budget
5: I'm Queen of spending WAY to much time online.
6: I'm Queen of not being afraid of going after what I REALLY want.
7: I'm Queen of S3x....... just ask The Husband

Now I'm suppose to tag 7 people........... and well.......... if your reading this consider yourself tagged because well......... just because OK. Just be sure to let me know you posted on your blog so I can go read it.


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