Don, Done, Done & Done
>> Tuesday, April 21, 2009
For the past few days I've been working on those projects that you put off doing FOREVER because you really don't want to do them.
It all started on Friday when I was putting bird seed in the feeders. Some spilled out onto the garage floor, which lead to me having to sweep. Which then lead to me picking up and putting away all the stuff that just gets put out there and not put away. Which lead to me cleaning the entire garage.
Saturday was pretty much spent driving daughter A back and forth to the high school, since she had a choir competition, they took gold by the way ! But I did manage to go out and buy the weed & feed for the grass, plus the locking paver sand stuff for the back patio. I had hoped to get both the weed/feed and sand down that day, but the weather had other plans since it starting raining. Another days project I suppose.
Sunday, Son M wanted to use my laptop so he could work on my blogger background. So, since there wasn't squat on TV I decided to clean out the master bedroom- bathroom cabinets. Which lead me to clean out the medicine cabinet, which lead to organizing the small cabinet that houses all my perfumes, lotions and bath stuff.
Once I was done with all that, I had the bright idea to clean out and organize my dresser drawers. Which then lead me to clean out and organize my closet. Then I moved onto the desk and organized that again.
When I woke up yesterday I had planned on taking the day off , but since it was yet another cold rainy day I decided to tackle The Husbands dresser drawers and closet. That took me less than an hour do, which didn't surprise me, since half of his stuff is down in Arkansas.
As I was sitting on the floor organizing all his stuff, I got to thinking about how tired I am of the furniture placement in our room. It's been this way since we moved in three years ago. Then you guessed it..... I rearranged all the furniture in our bedroom.
Want to see some pictures? They are crappy and were really only taken to show The Husband the new placement, and since he knows what all of our stuff looks like I really didn't care how they turned out lol.
This is what you see if your standing the the doorway. See those windows? There's two more that size in my bathroom..... yummy light for taking photos in...... just not these. ( Note sitting on the cedar chest is a painting I need to have framed for The Husband. It's only there so I remember to do it)
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