Spring Cleaning-A Contest
>> Saturday, April 11, 2009
With the start of the Art Fair season quickly approaching, I have been Spring cleaning all of my inventory.
While many pieces( like the one pictured above) have sold well ,I am revamping my inventory to add many of my newer pieces.
This is where the contest comes in. I have one of these lovely photos in stock and you my lovely blog readers have a chance to win it.
Print details- This my yummy ribbon collection . Size- 11x14 . Printed on E-Surface paper with a Lustre coating to protect it from dust and sun damage. All ready for you to frame and hang on your wall

All you have to do to win is post a comment telling me what your looking forward to doing this summer.
But wait there's more!
If you tell all of your online friends about my contest you could win this same print in a 8x10 !
All they have to do is mention YOUR name in their post and if they are chosen the winner of the 11x14 you will win the 8x10.
Contest starts today Saturday April 11th and ends Saturday April 25th 5:00 PM (CST) . Winner will be randomly picked on Sunday April 26th.
So what are you waiting for? Post a comment already and tell all your friends !
2 Love Notes:
Grrr I don't wanna go first. First never wins. LOL That's okay. I can still admire your art work on my computer screen. =D
I'm excited to do ANYTHING besides sit IN the house. But, fishing is my favorite summer activity. =D
It's hard to believe right now that summer will ever get here. Spring is sure taking her own good time coming. Being I work at a school, being off work is one of the best things about summer. I'm also looking forward to long walks and playing with my grandkids. I don't see them enough during the school year. Where do you live? Do you do the Chesterton Art Fair? I'd love to come see your pictures.
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