I'm Proud Of Him

>> Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My oldest son ( that's him on the left hand side) M- not allowed to use my nickname for him anywhere on the web, he's 17 I would probably loose my coolness factor with him if I did. So anyway M has been taking Graphic Design classes in High School for the last two years. It's something he wants to do as a career, he's very artistic like his mama so this didn't come as a surprise to me at all.

Over the past two years he's had projects he's liked working on and others not so much. His last project was for the design the Google banner competition. His teacher thought it would be a fun project for all of them plus if one of her student won the graphic design program would get some much needed cash. The theme for the contest was " What Do You Want For The World" . He bounced quite a few ideas off me until he settled on something to do with peace and flags of the nations.

Once all of the projects were done, the teacher was picking her top six choices from each class to go onto the next round..... and his made it.He was so excited about making it that he sent me a text from school letting me know- big No,No but I over looked it due to his excitement . From there the students ( in the classes) then voted for their favorite and the top six ( out of 48) will then be sent onto the Google competition. Sadly his didn't get enough votes, but I'm proud of him all the same for making it as far as he did.

2 Love Notes:

Chris March 10, 2009 at 2:58 PM  

Stacie stole my comment =P

I wonder if you could talk him into sharing some of his artwork with us. If the "talking" doesn't work, you could try bribery. And then, there's always threatening to use his nickname here. Heheee

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