It's Not Funny but.........
>> Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Barry moved into a new rental house last week. It's in a better part of town , much bigger, and has a garage.
While it's a better place the stove is how shall I put this............ a piece of crap. There isn't a oven rack and all the cleaning supplies in the world wouldn't clean the stovetop.
Because of this his ways of cooking are pretty limited. He has a microwave, one of those George Forman grills , and a electric skillet.
He just called me on his way to the grocery store...... Help I need to know what kind of things I can cook with the limited cooking utensils I have. I couldn't help but laugh.
Ah Men what would they do without us women ?
2 Love Notes:
I could TOTALLY survive with a george forman grill only!
Ack! He needs a hotplate! lol Good lucky, Barry!!! :-)
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